Chuck learned about bicolor lespedeza when he hunted in South Carolina for years. He has been wanting to grow it on our club, and this year he found a company that sells seedlings. Learn about how bicolor lespedeza benefits the deer and the other animals in this webisode. We will continue to update you on our progress to establish a bicolor lespedeza hedge in one of our fields throughout the year.
This is the third season of our predator management program. This year we got a local trapper to help us remove some of our predators. Watch this video to learn how successful we were.
This is the first webisode of Season 3. As always, we kick it off with our end of the year trail camera survey. This survey sets the tone for this season’s management plan and tell us where we need to be concentrating our efforts. Watch this video to see which bucks survived and which ones are missing. Also, listen to our new doe management strategy.
Chuck and I have had a really tough year. We both were hunting big bucks and passing on does thinking that the big buck will step out at the last minute of light. Well with that said, Chuck decided he needed some meat; plus, he wanted to at least shoot one whitetail deer this season. In this video, he waited until the last day, last hour, last minute to shoot this great management doe. Enjoy this video.
You have watched Gabriel get his first deer in Webisode 3, now follow along as he gets his first wild boar. We are hunting along the Ocmulgee River just outside of Abbeville, Georgia – the wild hog capital of Georgia. Come along and watch this exciting hunt.
In Season 1, Webisode 39, we shared video and trail camera photos of a remarkable story of a 3 legged buck and how he lived to be 8 1/2 years old. Now we have a well known 9 point who apparently has been shot and looks like he is going to lose his leg. Watch this video to learn more and see the photos.
Hugh Gunter, one of our new members, introduced his 12 year old granddaughter to deer hunting. Hugh helped her get a button buck that first morning and then she killed a doe later that afternoon. She also went back at a later date and killed another doe. Watch this video to see her reaction and hear our philosophy of how to get young hunters involved in our sport. It is safe to say that Erica is hooked.